
Viyo Recuperation offers products that meet this basic requirement from a surgical, nutritional as well as an emotional point
of view.

For a good relationship between the veterinarian and the owner it is important that the three parties involved are satisfied with the services and products that are provided by the practice: the pet, the owner and the veterinarian. Viyo Recuperation offers products that meet this basic requirement from a surgical, nutritional as well as an emotional point of view. Viyo Recuperation products support the recovery of the pet after surgery and in stress situations, by stimulating the intake of liquids and food.

Richard C. Nap DVM, Ph.D, Dipl ECVS (Eur. Specialist Surgery) and Dipl. ECVCN (Eur. Specialist Nutrition).

Often patients will consume Viyo Recuperation after rejecting other oral sources of fluid/caloric supplementation.

Viyo Recuperation appears to be very useful in the management of the inappetent patient, whether due to sickness, debilitation, or post-operative care. Often patients will consume Viyo Recuperation after rejecting other oral sources of fluid/caloric supplementation.

Dr. Jon F. Dee D.V.M., M.S., Diplomate ACVS, ACVSMR